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Kubernetes cluster visualiser and visual explorer

KubeView displays what is happening inside a Kubernetes cluster (or single namespace), it maps out the API objects and how they are interconnected. Data is fetched real-time from the Kubernetes API. The status of some objects (Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments) is colour coded red/green to represent their status and health

The app auto refreshes and dynamically updates the view as new data comes in or when it changes.

Currently displays the following Kubernetes objects:


Note. No secrets are exposed by the Kubeview API, values are redacted and replaced with __VALUE REDACTED__ before being sent.

Demo & Screenshots

Short video demo


demo demo2

Application Components

The app consists of two separate but connected elements, in the standard pattern of backend REST API and JS client frontend

Repo Details

This projects follows the ‘Standard Go Project Layout’ directory structure and naming conventions as described here

Docker Image

Builds of the Docker image are hosted publicly on GitHub Container Registry here:

Helm Chart

Helm chart called ‘kubeview’ is provided in the charts directory to help deploy and install KubeView into your cluster. The chart is also available in packaged form, in the releases section

Use the supplied sample example-values.yaml file (copy it to a new name, e.g. myvalues.yaml) to configure how to deploy KubeView. The main choice is if you want to expose the service via an ingress ingress.enabled: true or a load-balancer service ingress.enabled: false

When using an Ingress additionally configure the DNS hostname and TLS certs if you want to use HTTPS

Cluster or Namespaced Deployment

the chart supports deployment in a single namespace, set limitNamespace: true. In this mode, KubeView will be limited to displaying only the namespace it is deployed into (via the helm --namespace flag), and the namespace picker will not be shown in the UI. The ServiceAccount/Role/Binding will be scoped to this namespace too, rather than cluster wide.

This is passed to the server via the NAMESPACE_SCOPE env variable


Deploy with the standard Helm install command:

cd charts
helm install kubeview ./kubeview -f myvalues.yaml

Project Meta

Known Issues

Todo / Roadmap

Change Log

See releases